The Philosophy of Puns
Jul 2016
A Philosophy Talk show on puns can’t just consist of making puns, even if they are good ones. We need to show what’s philosophically interesting about them. First a couple of definitions.
Read moreThe Mystery of Music
Jul 2016
Music is an amazing thing. It can move us to its groove and or make us cringe. It can lift us up or bring us down. But exactly how does music work its magic on the mind? What separates good music from bad? And why do different people react so differently to the very same music?
Read moreThe Morality of Revenge
Jul 2016
We’ve all experienced the desire for revenge, whether it be when some jerk cuts you off in traffic or you discover that your partner has been cheating on you. Wanting revenge when you’ve been wronged is a natural human response. The question we’re asking this week is whether this desire for payback is something we ought to act on. Is revenge ever the moral thing to do?
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