This month we're featuring episodes from our archive that spotlight thinkers who were born in February: Simone Weil (Feb-3, 1909), Charles Darwin (Feb-12, 1809), John Rawls (Feb-21, 1921), Arthur Schopenhauer (Feb-22, 1788), W.E.B. Du Bois (Feb-23, 1868), and Michel de Montaigne (Feb-28, 1588).
This Week’s Episode
Liberty and Justice for Who?
Many democracies are founded on the ideals of 18th- and 19th-Century British Liberalism: the idea that human beings deserve the right to self-...
Recent Episodes
Climate Change and Collective Action
Catastrophic storms, floods, droughts, and fires are increasing in frequency all over the globe, and the polar ice caps are melting twice as fast as...
How to Create Virtuous Leaders
Ancient philosophers like Socrates and Plato believed that an education focused on developing good character could create virtuous leaders who work...
Elizabeth Anscombe
Elizabeth Anscombe made hugely influential contributions to contemporary action theory, moral theory, and philosophy of mind. She also famously...