Foucault's Concept of Power

12 April 2017

Few concepts are more crucial to understanding our world today than power. This Aeon article by Colin Koopman explains the influential and insightful account of power offered by French philosopher Michel Foucault.

What are the mechanisms by which power operates? How much can the workings of power shed light on the concepts and labels applicable to everyday life? Foucault uses the provocative examples of prisons and sexuality as case studies in the machinations of power. 

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Comments (2)

zoeyaddison's picture


Friday, October 18, 2024 -- 12:28 AM

Foucault's concept of power

Foucault's concept of power has profoundly influenced my understanding of social dynamics. I appreciate how he emphasizes that power isn't just held but is pervasive and relational, manifesting what causes osteoporosis in various institutions and practices. This perspective encourages me to critically analyze societal structures and my role within them, enriching my intellectual exploration.

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irischamplin's picture


Friday, November 15, 2024 -- 5:10 PM

This excellent exploration of

This excellent exploration of Foucault's power dynamics findings! His examination of prisons (slope game) and sexuality shows how power creates identity and social structures. It's fascinating to see how these mechanisms work in everyday life, often unconsciously. Power's widespread impact is important now, and I can't wait to read the essay for additional details! Thanks for sharing!

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