Money Matters
Apr 27, 2020Is money the root of all evil, or is it just a technology that makes our lives more efficient? Should some things not be for sale? This week on Philosophy Talk, we’ll be discussing money: where it comes from, what it is now, and what it could become in the future.
Comments (8)
Harold G. Neuman
Sunday, September 18, 2022 -- 6:22 AM
I would give a perspective,I would give a perspective, based on recent experience. I needed a car. Found an ad for one that looked appealing. It was older and had a high mileage, but appeared to be in good condition for all that. The price was affordable. We made contact and agreed to the seller's price. Then, the curveball: the seller wanted payment in crypto currency. (Bitcoin). This did not seem right. We ended the transaction. So, yes money matters. For us, the kind of money is the distinction.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 -- 12:27 PM
The pronoun "us" is notThe pronoun "us" is not correct, as counter-exampled by testimony of experience in the case of the present author. Your belief in an independent typology of monetary kinds is a personal one, and can not be inter-subjectively shared on account of its logical inconsistency. Euros and dollars, for example, are of different size-types, but not of different historical types (i.e. they both emerge from coinage). So-called "cryptocurrency" is not essentially different from bank notes on durable fabric in that any standard exchange value has to be tied to a presumed retail contract in the context of a valued good for which two elements are determinative: use of a product and its production (labor + materials). The price is what the contract stipulates, to which both parties must agree. The means of this agreement is called "exchange-value", so that currencies that have it, conditioned by prior consensus in the community of retailers, are typically identical, differing from other types primarily in their independence from the contractors. What I argue here then is that you've made a serious error in reasoning by concluding that because cryptocurrency seems like a different type of currency than exchange in bank notes, that it therefore must be a different type, valid for everyone who considers it. Do you agree?
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 -- 1:38 PM
It may be of some value toIt may be of some value to note Aristotle's discussion of currency in book I of the Politics. He believed, as participant Neuman does, that because trade requires currency of some kind, there can't or shouldn't be more than one kind, which in Aristotle's day consisted of smelted metals, its material cause, and the shape it's put in, its formal cause. What this value consists of is described in tripartite form (1257b36):
1) Money-acquisition is in principle unlimited, since wealth itself, and not any use to which wealth is put, is its purpose.
2) Money as means to an end is limited by the design of its use in trade, and has value only in relation to the goods for which it is exchanged.
3) The goods for which money is exchanged can in turn be unlimited is acquisition, or limited by specific uses, but in either case will constitute the grounds of currency-value, once it has been exchanged.
Independent of considerations of this paraphrase's accuracy, two consequences can be drawn:
1) Without private property, currency would have no value; and
2) money is analogous in Aristotle to digested food, beginning in abstract quantity, continuing in absorption of nutrients, and ending as excrement, biologically understood as soil-enrichment for continued agricultural product. Might it be relevant to the current discussion that money could keep its value without having to bring it through the first and third stages, leaving just its nutritional value? Asked differently, if the drive to increase wealth in the abstract could be given up so that it's only needed when some specific use is put to it, would private property then be just a bunch of s**t?
Monday, August 7, 2023 -- 3:39 AM
We all need money to pay forWe all need money to pay for all the things that make our life possible. Big money gives more opportunities, that's why I started my own business. Of course, starting a business comes with various risks and entrepreneurs should be aware of and prepared to manage. One of the most significant risks is financial. There's a possibility that your business might not generate the expected revenue initially, leading to financial strain or even failure. To avoid all risks I started llc in michigan, luckily I found a step-by-step guide about starting an LLC from choosing a unique name to registering with the state and obtaining necessary licenses and permits. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) offers many benefits for business owners.
Sunday, March 17, 2024 -- 2:15 PM
Money, regardless of its formMoney, regardless of its form, is an important aspect of our modern life, and cryptocurrencies are becoming an increasingly influential part of the financial system. The speed of transactions is a key factor in choosing a cryptocurrency to use in everyday life. The resource provides valuable information about cryptocurrencies with the fastest transaction times. I recommend visiting this resource to evaluate and choose the most suitable cryptocurrency based on transaction processing speed.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 -- 12:59 AM
As a regular reader ofAs a regular reader of finance articles, I find the discussion on "Why Money Matters" both insightful and crucial for anyone navigating the complexities of personal finance and wealth management. However, it's equally important to recognize the evolving landscape of financial opportunities, especially in the digital realm. For those seeking innovative investment avenues and staying ahead of the curve, I highly recommend exploring Their platform offers comprehensive insights into Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), blockchain projects, and cryptocurrency trends.
Friday, September 20, 2024 -- 12:34 PM
Hello, if you are looking forHello, if you are looking for the best service that can provide your company with the best payment options, try this service - payment gateway platform, I guarantee it will improve the work of your financial sector and bring your company to another level in terms of finance in general, businessmen, pay attention to the best financial gateways here!
Sunday, October 20, 2024 -- 12:55 PM
Money is a fascinating topicMoney is a fascinating topic that has evolved over centuries, and it significantly shapes our lives. While some argue that money is merely a social construct created by governments, others believe it emerged from the need to facilitate trade beyond simple barter systems. This distinction is crucial because it influences how we perceive economic policies, job creation, and inflation.
For instance, if money is seen as a government invention, it raises questions about the control governments have over it and how this impacts spending and taxation. Conversely, viewing money as a commodity could lead to different economic behaviors and expectations about inflation and job markets.
As for cryptocurrencies, they represent a revolutionary shift in our understanding of money. They challenge traditional concepts by providing decentralized options that can operate independently of government control, which can significantly impact how we view transactions and savings.
If you’re interested in exploring the relationship between money and various economic systems further, you might find some interesting insights on platforms dedicated to financial topics. For instance, check out No Nuk GCC Casinos - They delve into offshore casino sites, which could provide unique perspectives on how money functions in different jurisdictions and environments. It’s worth a look!