Tenth Anniversary Special

Sunday, December 22, 2013
First Aired: 
Sunday, September 1, 2013

What Is It

Philosophy Talk debuted on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco in August 2003, with regular broadcasts beginning in early 2004. Over the course of a decade the Philosophers, their guests, and their listeners have discussed and debated everything from the meaning of life to pre-emptive military strikes and baseball. To celebrate ten years on the air, John and Ken listen back to some of their favorite conversations with the writers and thinkers who have joined them on the program, and they look ahead to the ongoing challenges of thinking hard on the radio.



Ken Taylor  
Welcome to Philosophy Talk, the program that questions everything...

John Perry  
...except your intelligence. I'm John Perry.

Ken Taylor  
And I'm Ken Taylor. We're in San Francisco coming to you from the studios of KALW.

Comments (2)

adammaurer's picture


Friday, July 12, 2024 -- 7:34 AM

John and Ken relive some of

John and Ken relive some of their most memorable discussions with the writers and intellectuals who have appeared on the show as they commemorate ten years of airing. tree trimming near me

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Francua's picture


Friday, January 24, 2025 -- 7:35 AM

Philosophy Talk has truly

Philosophy Talk has truly been a thought-provoking journey over the past decade! It’s fascinating to see how they've brought such a wide range of topics to the table, from deep philosophical discussions to more unconventional ones like baseball. 2048 Their ability to engage both experts and listeners in meaningful dialogues is impressive. Looking forward to seeing how they continue to explore complex ideas in the future!

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