The Ethics of Identity
Jun 14, 2005What makes me who I am? Is it fair of me, or others, to take my race or ethnicity as part of whom I am?
Is race a discredited pseudo-scientific category? Or a real dimension of difference among humans? Or a socially constructed reality? What difference does it make? John and Ken question the category of race with Anthony Appiah from Princeton University.
What are human races? There are no deep, salient differences in people based on “racial” differences. Even if races aren't biologically real, could they be socially real, that is, socially constructed? Do racial categories map onto multi-racial children? John introduces Kwame Anthony Appiah, professor at Princeton. Appiah claims that racial categories are empty biological categories. Do people still use racial categories to try to track biological phenomena? Medical studies try to get statistics from different racial groups. Does a higher level of stress hormone in African-Americans mean that African-American is a biological category?
Should we do away with racial identifications? Appiah thinks that racial identities are important for the wellbeing of many people and that these identities should not be dropped. Are racial categories just shallow instead of tracking some deep, important properties? Can we replace race with ethnicity? In America, European ethnic groups tend to be divided in a fine-grained way while groups from other parts of the world are lumped together. Even if racial categories are not biologically real, why can't Ken say, “I am not a black man”?
If races are not meaningful categories, then should we have color-blind policies? Appiah thinks that this does not follow. He thinks that a society that cares about equality should pass laws to help or protect the people that have been discriminated against. Is it more appropriate for black person to empathize with the suffering of slaves than for a white person? The ancients, such as Plato, did not think about race. It is a modern notion.
Comments (1)
Sunday, October 6, 2019 -- 1:28 PM
"Race" is an equivocation"Race" is a reified equivocation fallacy the british made to turn family into a competition for justifying nepotism and slippery-sloping for aristocracy.
They like to blame the germans but it's all firstly the catholic pederast crown's fault.
"Fallacy" only appears on this webpage in my own comments. I dont stand by op.