Welcome Our New Language-Learning Robot Overlords
Feb 2, 2024Babies have to learn lots of thing: how the objects around them behave, the rules of social interaction, the various parts of language. And it certainly seems like A.I.s learn language too. But what if all they do is imitate human speech?
Comments (10)
Harold G. Neuman
Sunday, January 28, 2024 -- 1:30 PM
That is a very interestingThat is a very interesting question. ..interesting, I think, because it is highly speculative, and at the present, intersection of science and philosophy, lacking any real evidence either pro or con. Sort of like questions around the origins and situation of consciousness: we know, or think we know, what it means to be conscious in the human sense. But, we can't put a nail in it. Yet. Understanding babies of any kind requires speculation as well as an experiential view, insofar as they have no vocabulary with which to tell us what they need or want. We kind of know when they are hungry and definitely know when a diaper change is paramount. AI has no point of reference on such matters. I fail to see how it could have one.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 -- 6:02 PM
Isn't one of the main goalsIsn't one of the main goals an understanding of how natural cognitive systems work by designing an artificial one which produces the same results? Speaking just about the science independent from practical applications, the apparent goal could reasonably be described as generating a simulation which answers questions about how what is simulated works. If that's the case, then alternate models of informative simulation would have to be excluded, which leads me to the same conclusion which you have reached, as no single simulation-model, so far as I'm aware, excludes the alternates and therefore can not be structurally informative. Is this a fair assessment of your point?
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 -- 11:06 PM
Exploring the intersection ofExploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and infant cognition opens fascinating avenues for understanding human development. This discussion on whether AI can aid in comprehending babies offers valuable insights into both fields. With the assistance of ChatGPT, bridging these disciplines becomes an exciting journey of discovery and learning, propelling our understanding of the complexities of early cognitive processes.
Friday, February 23, 2024 -- 12:39 AM
The exploration of artificialThe exploration of artificial intelligence's role in understanding human cognition and language development, as discussed in this episode, sheds light on intriguing intersections between technology and psychology. ChatGPT Francais recognizes the ongoing efforts to decode the complexities of human learning, and it's fascinating to contemplate how AI might contribute to our understanding of these intricate processes.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 -- 2:22 AM
It's amazing! Your article isIt's amazing! Your article is very good and very useful to us! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us! Have a good time with uno online online.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 -- 9:17 PM
Ich habe deinen Artikel überIch habe deinen Artikel über die Rolle von KI bei der Spracherkennung von Kleinkindern gelesen und fand ihn wirklich faszinierend! Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie weit die Technologie bereits fortgeschritten ist und wie sie uns helfen kann, die Bedürfnisse und Emotionen unserer Kleinsten besser zu verstehen. Es ist wirklich wie ein Fenster in die Gedankenwelt der Babys, nicht wahr? Die Vorstellung, dass KI es uns ermöglichen wird, schneller auf das zu reagieren, was Babys uns tatsächlich sagen wollen, ist äußerst faszinierend und könnte Eltern überall wirklich helfen. Und weißt du was? Vor kurzem habe ich entdeckt, dass ich mit ChatGPT Deutsch Kostenlos noch mehr über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Spracherkennung von Kleinkindern erfahren kann!
Monday, August 19, 2024 -- 9:43 AM
The article presents aThe article presents a compelling discussion on AI's progress in visual, linguistic, and reasoning tasks, raising questions about the nature of machine thinking and its parallels with human cognition. It invites readers to reflect on the fundamental differences between humans and AI, making it an insightful piece. For those interested in exploring AI further, using ChatGPT for free at GPTJP.net offers an accessible way to dive deeper into these concepts.
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Thursday, January 23, 2025 -- 6:25 AM
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