Adorno and the Culture Industry
Mar 23, 2018A lot of the popular culture we consume these days is produced and distributed by large studios and record companies. Should that worry us? Are doomed to mediocre music, television, and film? Or even worse: are we doomed to songs, shows, and movies that secretly serve a hegemonic propaganda machine?
Comments (10)
Harold G. Neuman
Monday, March 12, 2018 -- 11:01 AM
I have thought, for some timeI have thought, for some time now, that POPular Culture IS pernicious. I have even written some accounts of just how and why I hold this belief. None of those have been published yet---there would be, I am certain, push-back from several domains, especially those whose livelihood rests upon the popularity of pop culture (think: social media; dating web-sites and those communications(?) formats which permit everyone to have his/her voice). Let's face it: there is a lot of money involved in these enterprises and lots more for those whose real job is to scam any unsuspecting schlep who can be easily taken in. That said, I hope to see some other comments here after March 25.
Harold G. Neuman
Sunday, May 2, 2021 -- 7:39 AM
Recently, I had madeRecently, I had made suggestions to PT, regarding treatment of mass/popular culture, and was advised to review some posts/shows including this one. After so doing,I retracted my comments, bowing to the approach and format of the blog, as designed. When revisiting this post, I noticed only one comment, mine, in 2018. Repeating a concern expressed in my last response to PT's general comments mail address, I 'll recap here. I mentioned awareness of one's surroundings. That faculty has suffered, IMHO, with the popularization of smart phones. Users of these wonderful devices are distracted. Selfies, for one example: people have fallen to their death because of absorption with picture-taking. Tragic and unnecessary. Traffic is also hazardous to the self-absorbed. The engrossed phone user may suddenly appear in the street already occupied by oncoming vehicles. If they did not see that coming, the outcome will not be favorable to the pedestrian. The same is true for other hazards such as obstructions and holes. So, my worry about these 'accidents' seems well-placed.
Along with my concerns about other dangerous distractions which diminish survivability. Or maybe I am exagerating?
Sunday, September 10, 2023 -- 11:36 AM
I really enjoy your show.I really enjoy your show. And I understand that you are exaggerating the complications of Adorno’s theories to engage an audience. However, I am an artist and a painting professor. and my teeth are grinding while you discuss the commodification of creativity. Yes it's out there. Yes some artist allow themselves to be commodified but this is the minority of artists. I REALLY WISH UOU HAD AN ARTIST ON YOUR SHOW.
Monday, September 11, 2023 -- 5:15 PM
With regards to theWith regards to the commodification-allowance referred to in the second to last sentence, --does this apply solely to the product of the artist's labor or can its reference-extension include the labor-activity of producing it as well? Do you agree that these constitute two very different kinds of commodification? Because commodities are tradable materials for the production of material goods, to commodify something already made generally implies its being bundled with things of a similar sort for retail purposes in market contexts, but does not necessarily entail that the artist's labor be commodified along with it. Only under some external compulsion to create the commodified product, such as compensation constituting necessary resources to avoid starvation, do the instances of commodification in the labor and market sectors coincide.
Is it not the case, then, that the allowance to which you refer extends beyond a minority of examples, if the activity of production is taken into account?
Friday, September 15, 2023 -- 1:00 PM
Can we circumnavigate theCan we circumnavigate the negative impact of capitalism on art by funding our own creative expression in the form of art? Knowing that this is indeed possible, then does this dilute the quality of our work...if we aren't independently wealthy? If we are independently wealthy, then does this have moral and ethical implications for the sort of art we are capable of creating?
Saturday, September 16, 2023 -- 5:53 PM
Who's doing the creating, -Who's doing the creating, --those who make it or those who pay for it to be made? As introduced by the uncontroversial assumptions both that exploitation of creative work regularly occurs and that getting around it is by no means precluded to those who wish to do so, you've asked two questions above:
1) Does the laborer's knowledge of self funding-possibility reduce product quality, and
2) ought the buyer of the product submit to a constraint on purchase by a special product-type or standard of quality?
Do I have that right? The first has two answers depending on interpretation. If the self-funded laborer (SFL) is unable to devote sufficient time and materials to the work on account of a low economic status, then the answer appears in the affirmative. If on the other hand a potential SFL (PSFL) decides to be funded by a patron even though the PSFL doesn't need one in order for sufficient time and materials to be committed to the work, then the answer seems to be "no". At some threshold of sufficient funding, who pays for it has no direct relation to the judgement of a work's meeting or failing to meet a given standard of quality.
If the ambiguity in the second question with respect to the plethora of relations between wealth and creative work be forgone so that its interpretation can be limited to the context of art markets alone, I interpret you to be asking whether or not wealthy buyers have a moral obligation to limit their range of acceptable purchases by means of an ethical standard. While the answer to this question is clearly a matter of taste, it certainly should concede to a claim of independence from instrumental use if issued in the affirmative. For this would preclude both kitsch and state propaganda from ethical art purchase.
Is this satisfactory or have I missed something more fundamental? What about your use of the first person plural pronoun in final sentence above? Does this indicate a collective association between voluntary labor and its respective compensation?
Sean Frank
Saturday, September 16, 2023 -- 6:42 PM
I suppose my fundamentalI suppose my fundamental question is, does form follow function? I mean, Marx had an ideal for society and, via Lenin and Stalin, it ended up becoming a totalitarian, centralized model of economics and government. Via imperialist capitalism (think France in southeast Asia in the early 20th century or Britain in Indonesia at that time), the mass of laboring humanity was essentially subservient to the contraptions of the ruling class and the forces of capitalism.
If capitalism has its own baked-in biases within a systemic loop, could it also not be said that other economic systems have their own biases and self-affirming feedbacks? And if so, where does the capitalist model fit into this spectrum?
A question--Does the theater of 16th or 17th century England, for example, differ much in terms of 'entertainment value' for the 'masses' than a modern day blockbuster? Sure, today we have technology that allows for mass production of popular entertainment, but what's the difference? A theater producer in the 16th century wanted to make profits as much as a movie producer does in the 20th.
Sunday, September 17, 2023 -- 4:07 PM
Do you thereby imply thatDo you thereby imply that entertainment-products made for purposes other than profit lack value?
Saturday, January 18, 2025 -- 3:57 AM
Adorno’s critique of theAdorno’s critique of the culture industry highlights how mass production and commercialization of culture manipulate consumer behavior and limit individuality. It’s fascinating how his ideas still resonate today, especially in the context of modern media and entertainment industries. For more insights Do you think there’s a way to balance cultural creativity with commercial interests in today’s world?.
Monday, March 3, 2025 -- 8:20 PM
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