Beyond the Diploma

For many seniors in high school and college, the months of May and June mark the end of their familiar student lives. It is the beginning of a transition—to college, a career, something in between, or something else entirely. So we dug into the archives to find programs addressing these issues.

Figuring out how—or even whether—to navigate the waters of higher education can be daunting. John and Ken recorded a program for an audience of Palo Alto High School students with Mitchell Stevens from Stanford's School of Education about the college admission rat-race. Then with former Stanford former president John Henessey, they discussed the value of a college education with another high school audience in Richmond, California.

College or no college, at some point most every former student will need to find a job. But how does a novice worker figure out what kind of work is the right employment to pursue? The Philosophers asked Al Gini, author of My Job, My Self: Work and the Creation of the Modern Individual. They also spoke to Juliana Bidadanure, Director of the Stanford Basic Income Lab, about how to think about work when automation begins eliminating many of the occupations we once relied on people to perform.

And yet whether it involves continuing with formal education or not, moving from teenageland to adulthood ain't what it used to be. John and Ken spoke to Ethan Watters, author of Urban Tribes: A Generation Redefines Friendship, Family, and Commitment, to ask what exactly it means to be an adult.