Reasons for Veganism?

November is World Vegan Month, so for this month's playlist we've put together a selection of episodes that offer philosophical reasons to change your diet! Josh and Ray recently talked to Peter Singer about how veganism (among other things) would make the world a better place. Less recently, John and Ken discussed the morality of what we eat more generally with Michael Pollan. They also explored the global food crisis with Tim Benton, legal rights for animals with Steven Wise, and the ethics of (animal) captivity with Lori Gruen.


Episode Title Guest Related Content

Making a Better World

Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University Making a (More) Moral World

The Morality of Food

Micahel Pollan, Professor of Journalism, University of California Berkeley

Animal Rights Philosophy of Wine Food Justice

Food Justice

Tim Benton, Professor of Population Ecology, University of Leeds

Food Justice

Nonhuman Rights

Steven Wise, Founder and President of the Nonhuman Rights Projects Nonhuman Persons, Nonhuman Rights


Lori Gruen, Professor of Philosophy, Wesleyan University
