Gender Pride

June is Pride Month, and we've got a new episode inspired by co-host Ray Briggs' new book, What Even Is Gender? which will air later this month. In the meantime, we've put together some episodes from the archive in which the philosophers and their guests think deep about gender, sexuality, and other related issues.

The first episode goes all the way back to our second season, where John and Ken question the relationship between gender, biology, and society on the air with Anne Fausto-Sterling from Brown University, author of Myths of Gender: Biological Theories about Women and Men. In the second episode, John and Ken welcome Susan Stryker, Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies at University of Arizona, to discuss the umbrella term "queerness" and how this former slur has been reclaimed by people of varying sexualities and genders. In "Gay Pride and Prejudice," John and Ken examine the assumptions that underlie different beliefs and prejudices about gayness with Gilbert Herdt, Professor of Sexuality Studies at SF State University. The next episode is a recent one where Joh and Ray question the idea of masculinity with Robin Dembroff from Yale University, author of Real Men on Top: How Patriarchy Weaponizes Gender. And finally, Ken and Debra explore the trials of the second sex with Kate Manne from Cornell University, author of Down, Girl: The Logic of Misogyny. We hope you enjoy listening!


Gender Pride

Episode Title Guest Related Content


Anne Fausto-Sterling, Professor of Biology and Gender Studies, Brown University

Feminism Queerness What Is a Wife?


Susan Stryker, Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona Queerness

Gay Pride & Prejudice

Gilbert Herdt, Professor of Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University

Gay Pride and Prejudice

What Is Masculinity?

Robin Dembroff, Professor of Philosophy, Yale University What Makes A Man?

Misogyny and Gender Inequality

Kate Manne, Professor of Philosophy, Cornell University Misogyny and Gender Inequality