Ethics Awareness Month

Were you aware that March is National Ethics Awareness Month? To celebrate, we've put together a set of episodes for this month's playlist that tackle various thorny ethical issues, from algorithms to awesomeness, from debt to care, and our special 2015 event featuring Edward Snowden as guest discussing the ethics of whistleblowing. Take a listen!

Ethics Awareness

Episode Title Guest Related Content

The Ethics of Awesomeness

Nick Riggle, Professor of Philosophy, University of San Diego On Awesomeness

The Ethics of Algorithms

Angèle Christin, Professor of Communication, Stanford University Should Algorithms Decide?

The Value of Care: Feminism and Ethics

Joan Tronto, Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota The Ethics of Care

The Ethics of Debt

Julie Nelson, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Boston

The Debt Crisis

Edward Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Former CIA analyst and NSA contractor Edward Snowden

The Ethics of Whistleblowing