On Awesomeness

27 August 2021

Is “awesome” just an overused word for things we really like? Or does it refer to a particular kind of excellence? Would the world be a better place if we all tried to be more awesome and less sucky? This week, we’re thinking about awesomeness.

As an immigrant to this country, it seems to me that Americans love to call everything and anything “awesome.” Once upon a time, it used to mean inspiring fear or awe, but now it seems it’s just a word that tech bros and valley girls use for things they like.

Of course, just because a word once meant something in particular, it doesn’t follow that its meaning must remain static for all time. The meaning of words can and do change over time, and one word can have multiple meanings at the same time. 

So, does “awesome” mean anything beyond a general expression of approval? One possibility is that it picks out a certain type of excellence. An awesome person is one who does something excellent that inspires great respect or admiration. 

Take Elon Musk. No, please, take him!! Lots of people seem to think he and his space program are awesome. And they mean it in this new-fangled sense, as in very cool or most excellent. Going into space might inspire awe and so be awesome in the traditional sense. But is Musk awesome in this other sense for trying to [checks notes] colonize Mars? I personally don’t think so. But that’s not to say anyone who disagrees is confused or wrong about the meaning of the word. We just have different opinions.

Now if Musk were to spend some of his billions to end world hunger on Earth, instead of blowing it all on some narcissistic pipe dream on Mars, then I might consider calling him awesome. Certainly, ending world hunger would be awesome. It would be an extraordinary act that would benefit humanity. 

Which leads me to wonder whether to be “awesome” we must help others, or be prosocial in some way. I recently watched a video of some men in India rescuing a snake that had gotten tied up in plastic netting that had gotten so tight, the snake was starting to suffocate. Despite the danger to themselves, the men got close to the hissing, biting snake and cut each piece of plastic till they eventually freed the snake. Now, that seemed like an awesome act to me, and anyone who would do such a thing deserves to be called awesome.

But if we reserve “awesome” for acts that benefit others in some significant way, then that would rule out a lot of other contemporary uses of the word. For example, could I make an awesome sandwich that I enjoyed all by myself? Imagine, a sandwich with the freshest bread, tomatoes sliced and salted to perfection, avocado at exactly the right moment of ripeness, crisp green lettuce. Is that just a very tasty, well-made sandwich, perhaps even an excellent sandwich, or could it be an awesome sandwich?

Our show this week is called “The Ethics of Awesomeness,” which does suggest that we should reserve the term for things that have some kind of ethical or social dimension. Our guest, Nick Riggle, author of On Being Awesome: A Unified Theory of How Not to Suck, argues that to be awesome is to create “social openings,” opportunities for others to express their own individuality. 

One of Nick’s favorite examples of awesomeness is the guy in the video above, Jeremy Fry, who spontaneously launched into a lip-synching song and dance when the stadium cameras happened to land upon him. What made this an awesome act, according to Nick, is that Jeremy broke out of the usual social conventions in this creative way that drew others in and gave them an opportunity to participate in the fun. 

So what do you think? Must awesomeness always involve others? And should we all try harder to suck less and be more awesome? Tune into this week’s show for what will be an awesome conversation with Nick.

Comments (16)

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, August 27, 2021 -- 11:00 AM

The root of awesome is fear.

The root of awesome is fear. It had godlike intonations that might have transmuted to the awe of nature. Awe can still mean this. It can also mean awful, which might be said of my thought.

Must awesomeness involve others? No. Not in the sense above or in the original meaning, whatever that may be for you.

We all can feel awe, however, in the face of something awesome. This collective awe is an awesome, toward which Riggle points. It can be mystical or stupid or mundane even. Collectively it is social. It points to ideals and values. If we don’t all share these values, we can at least point to these ideals in moments of suckiness and awesomeness. That is cool in and of itself, which is how I take Riggle’s view.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, August 28, 2021 -- 8:16 AM

I agree with Mr. Smith on

I agree with Mr. Smith on this one. The whole experience of awesome arises from just how unique or heart-stopping a thing may be....heart-stopping being metaphor, not literal. Meanings or words and/or expressions take on different lives generation to generation. This does not require nor entail a change in the original or usual meaning. Mass and pop culture seem to drive much of this trait. I have never seen the usefulness of misuse or over-use of such terms. But, my opinion does not matter, in the grand scheme of things. I have probably offended servers at several eateries here when they have said 'awesome' after I placed my order, and I replied:'really?' Or maybe they only thought: oh, another old person. Much of current hipness is predicated on excess and extremity; nuance and speed. Some of us are not there,nor care to be. Things that are awesome will always and in all ways be. Those that are not never were. Keep us thinking PT.

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jasondiazgerdts's picture


Sunday, August 29, 2021 -- 1:03 PM

When I think of awesomeness,

When I think of awesomeness, I think about Rudolf Otto's "The Idea of the Holy" and the "numinous experience". Which is a lot like what Tim Smith describes above--that is, an experience of awe and wonder in the face of human nothingness when faced with a holy and powerful being.

My parents have had experiences like that and I have to. Its this kind of this strange sensation but without drugs. Um... Maybe one can point to synesthesia as real life example of this kind of experience in order to ground the discussion.

But my thing though is that maybe a person, you know, can do little things everyday that can manifest awesomeness. Like a piece of driftwood whose shadow shows the shape of a hand at only a certain time of the day. Or giving a buddy half of your sandwich cause its an awesome sandwich.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, September 4, 2021 -- 8:44 AM


I think your comments are germain. Even small occurrences may be awe-inspiring. But, as suggested at the beginning of the post, the big word is over used, in my humble opinion. Jung's notion about what he called synchronicity seemed far-fetched to me years ago. Time passed. Things happened I could not explain in a rational way. These are, to me, awesome. And yes, I too have shared a sandwich or two...

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, October 4, 2021 -- 7:28 AM

I have corresponded with my

I have corresponded with my older sibling on this awesomeness thing. Quite a bit. We are pretty much in agreement on the subject. Not everyone sees this in the same way. Nor should they need to. PT allows us to express our differences---within reason, of course. I like that open forum approach. Nothing more to offer on this topic.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 -- 5:57 AM



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lanejancy's picture


Thursday, March 7, 2024 -- 10:29 PM

Your remarks strike me as

Your remarks strike me as germain. Amazing things may happen from the smallest of things. The huge term is overused, though, as I mentioned at the start of the piece. Years ago, I thought Jung's idea of synchronicity was completely out there. A period of time elapsed. There were events that I just could not make sense of. In my opinion, these are fantastic. Also, I've been known to split a sandwich or two with someone. io games

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fararaii's picture


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 -- 9:17 PM

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snake io encourages spatial awareness as you navigate the snake through tight spaces and crowded areas.

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trossard's picture


Thursday, April 11, 2024 -- 9:04 PM

Personally, I lean towards

Personally, I lean towards the view that true awesomeness involves actions that benefit others or create social openings, as suggested by Nick Riggle's perspective. Buckshot Roulette

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NadiaEira's picture


Friday, April 26, 2024 -- 11:58 PM

I concur with Mr. Smith on

I concur with Mr. Smith on this matter. The feeling of awe comes from the exceptional cookie clicker 2 or breathtaking nature of something....with "heart-stopping" being used as a metaphor, not in a literal sense.

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bekean23's picture


Monday, June 3, 2024 -- 12:25 AM

If drifting was an Olympic

If drifting was an Olympic sport, you'd be taking home the gold in Drift hunters.

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Timothy's picture


Thursday, June 20, 2024 -- 12:28 AM

Awesomeness is not a trait

Awesomeness is not a trait bestowed upon the few, but a potential within us all, waiting to be realized through acts of courage, creativity, and yandere ai girlfriend simulator compassion.

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gonisay's picture


Thursday, June 20, 2024 -- 10:25 AM

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benchase's picture


Saturday, August 17, 2024 -- 7:02 AM

I’ve always thought of

I’ve always thought of ‘awesome’ as a word that’s lost a bit of its original impact, but this discussion really made me rethink that. The idea that awesomeness could be tied to social or ethical acts makes a lot of sense. It’s refreshing to consider that true awesomeness might be about more than just being kutombana cool or impressive—it could be about making a positive impact.

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mitchase's picture


Saturday, August 17, 2024 -- 7:19 AM

I love the idea that being

I love the idea that being awesome involves creating social openings for others. It makes awesomeness feel more inclusive and connected to community. That Jeremy Fry example is a perfect nairobiraha illustration—it wasn’t just about him having a moment, but about how he invited everyone else to join in the fun. Definitely something we could all strive to do more of!

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bekean23's picture


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 -- 9:01 PM

They have a remarkable

They have a remarkable ability to anticipate subway surfers readers’ questions and address them within the content itself.

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