Could robots ever have feelings that we could hurt? Should we hold them responsible for their actions? Or would that just be a way to let humans off the hook? This week, we’re asking “Could Robots Be Persons?”
What Tech Says
Jan 2021
Are tech companies really “making the world a better place”? Isn’t “disruption” just code for circumventing legal regulations and ignoring labor laws? Does Silicon Valley really believe its own hype? On this week's show we’re thinking about “The Rhetoric of Big Tech.”
Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Nov 2020
Who’s to blame for big problems like racism, factory farming, or climate change? Isn’t it time we held governments and corporations accountable? Or would that just let individuals off the hook? This week we’re talking about collective responsibility.
Technology Ethics
Apr 2018
"Move fast and break things" is well known as Facebook's former motto, but it may well be the motto of all of Silicon Valley. Put another way, the Valley builds first, and deals with the consequences later. But this approach is creating bigger and bigger problems.
Philosophy Meets Literacy Through Positive Coaching
Mar 2015
T. R. Girill
Society for Technical Communication/Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
Philosophy Meets Literacy Through Positive Coaching
When I show high-school science students (or their teachers) how to
design effective nonfiction ("technical") text, they often end up
with a lesson not just in linguistics but also in philosophy--
about writer responsibility. One way to see this is to tap the
distinction (another philosophical move!) between positive and
negative coaching.