Live at the Marsh San Francisco April 7
Live at the Marsh San Francisco April 7
Sunday, April 7, 2013 -- 12:00 PM
Philosophy Talk returns to the Marsh Theatre in San Francisco for another pair of live recordings! Join us for the next two programs in our 2012-2013 season.
- 12:00pm - Nations and Borders with Sarah Song
One’s country of birth has a profound effect on life prospects. It's often best to go elsewhere. But moving is not always so easy. Borders and immigration control restrict people from going where they want to pursue a better life. On the one hand there is the state’s need for security, self-determination, and a functioning economy. But why should arbitrary boundaries, based on past thefts of territory, limit a person's opportunities? Are borders essential to nationhood, or do they form an exclusive club that unfairly keeps certain people from pursuing a better life? John and Ken lift the gate for UC Berkeley Law Professor Sarah Song, author of Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism.
- 3:00pm - Education and the Culture Wars with Rob Reich
In contemporary democracies, the state is responsible for providing children with an education. But parents surely have both the right and responsibility for instilling appropriate morals and values in their children. How should we reconcile conflicts between the state’s responsibility to properly educate minors and the parents’ rights to influence their children's values and ideals? Should the government’s approach to education in areas such as history and science always trump that of the child’s most direct guardians? Or should parents hold some veto power when it comes to education about evolution, sex, and other issues that bear on religious and personal values? John and Ken do their homework with Stanford political scientist Rob Reich, co-editor of Education, Justice, and Democracy (forthcoming).
The Marsh is located at 1062 Valencia Street in San Francisco, California.