Moral Dilemmas and Moral Ambiguity
Jul 19, 2005It would be nice if we always knew the morally right thing to do, if our choices and commitments were painted in stark black and white.
Most of us probably have some ideas about what constitutes our personal brand of ethics: questions about what is morally right and wrong pervade philosophy and everyday life. But what about metaethics? What is the difference between a moral realist and anti-realist? Between a moral absolutist and cultural relativist? Which one are you? Examining these broader categorizations of ethical thought could help you gain a better grasp of some of your underlying metaethical beliefs, your beliefs about what morality is.
In this episode of Crash Course Philosophy, we are given a brief overview of several metaethical stances, as well as an introduction to what makes an ethical theory.
Where do you stand on the metaethical spectrum? Are you a moral realist or anti-realist? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
Want to test your moral intuitions? Check out our episode, Moral Dilemmas and Moral Ambiguity.
Still curious? Listen to our episode on Moral Luck.
Comments (2)
Saturday, April 15, 2017 -- 1:23 PM
Great video and great post! IGreat video and great post! I've always felt like morality was relative, but I've never really been sure how to spell this view out. Glad to hear that smart people are working on these questions.
Thursday, June 6, 2024 -- 2:56 AM
Metaethics delves into theMetaethics delves into the fundamental nature of ethics itself, exploring questions beyond individual moral judgments. As an expert, I navigate the complexities of moral ontology, analyzing concepts small item movers los angeles like moral realism and relativism. Understanding metaethics is crucial for grasping the underlying frameworks that shape our ethical beliefs and behaviors in diverse contexts.