Celebrating Pride

June is Pride Month, and here in San Francisco we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first Pride Parade. So for this month's "From the Archive" we decided to share some past episodes that explore LGBTQI issues. As many states are slowly emerging from a months-long lockdown, and large events, such as parades, are still not permitted, we hope that these episodes provide a socially distant—and socially responsible—way to celebrate the occasion.

In our first episode, "Gay Pride and Prejudice," John and Ken examine the assumptions that underlie different beliefs and prejudices about gayness with Gilbert Herdt, Professor of Sexuality Studies at SF State University. In the second episode, the hosts are joined by Susan Stryker, Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies at University of Arizona, to discuss the umbrella term "queerness" and how this former slur has been reclaimed by people of varying sexualities and genders. The relationship between gender, biology, and society is the focus of the third episode with Anne Fausto-Sterling, Professor of Biology and Gender Studies at Brown University. 

The next two episodes broaden the discussion to think about the value and power of the label "normal" with Charles E. Scott of Vanderbilt University, and what counts as a normal, loving, ethical relationship with Carrie Jenkins of University of British Columbia. As a bonus, we've thrown in an old conundrum in which John and Ken talk to listener Andrea about whether or not she ought to abandon her view that sexuality is a choice. We hope you enjoy! 

Celebrating Pride

Episode Title Guest Related Content

Gay Pride & Prejudice

Gilbert Herdt, Professor of Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University

Gay Pride and Prejudice


Susan Stryker, Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona Queerness


Anne Fausto-Sterling, Professor of Biology and Gender Studies, Brown University

Feminism Queerness What Is a Wife?

What is 'Normal'?

Charles E. Scott, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University

On Being Normal


Carrie Jenkins, Professor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia Polyamory